Ghostwriting services from somebody who understands SEO (search engine optimization) can make you a bundle, there is no doubt about that. You see excellent ghostwriting services without SEO is useless. Ghostwriting services with excellent SEO (even if the writing is not that great) is invaluable. That is the key lesson I want you to take away with you from this article.
So let me tell you my story.
I set up this free blog on blogger and did a little research for unique niches. I was looking for niches where there were plenty of searches but no adequate content yet. I am sure it has happened to you more than a couple of times, you search for something on Google and cannot seem to get relevant results in terms of the information you are looking for.
The niche I stumbled on was for the supply of computer laptops outside the United States. Next thing I did was to engage some rather affordable ghostwriting services. To be honest the writing wasn't that great but this ghostwriter proved to me that they understood SEO well and how to apply it when writing articles and content for a site. I didn't have much cash so I ordered only 25 articles. The other advantage I got from this particular ghostwriting service is that they also post the articles they do for your free blog to 10 high traffic article directories as part of their service at no extra charge. You will know that such link juice is rather useful for quickly getting indexed and then listed at the top of search engines like Google. Especially because articles on niches that are short of content get re-posted all over the web fairly rapidly, complete with the links still intact. So if you are monitoring the numbers like I always do, you will see the number of links very quickly growing from 25 links pointing to your site to 100 and 750 and even more within a matter of days.
The articles were done and I set up a really helpful free monitoring tool to carefully monitor all the traffic arriving at my free blogger blog. The traffic wasn't much. An average of about 10 hits daily. BUT, every single one of those hits was coming directly from the Google search engine. Many folks still do not realize just how valuable traffic from search engines is. Especially Google traffic. They still compare this traffic to curiosity clicks from all over the place.
About two weeks after I took delivery of my articles from the ghostwriting service I used, I started receiving email enquiries. To cut a long story short one of those enquiries ended up sending me a $10,000 check for laptops they wanted. The price I quoted had a generous margin for me but was still low enough for this client to give me his huge order.
My free site for laptops is still up as you read this and the enquiries are still trickling in but this is a wonderful business even with 10 hits a day and one email enquiry every 10 days or so. Do the math. No overheads, no costs (NOT even for a domain name or hosting service). I just spend time answering queries about a field I understand very well (laptops) and then I only move when I receive an order.
Currently I have this dream that will soon be a reality about setting up another 50 sites or so in the same way. I figure that I don't need more than 10 hits per day for any of my sites as long as the traffic is coming in from search engines. Profits from my $10,000 deal are going to finance SEO ghostwriting services that I need to make that minimum of 10 hits per day from search engines happen in those 50 sites.
I see no reason why I should not shamelessly promote the ghostwriting service that helped me make $10,000 even as I promote my own brand new blog to help folks find unique niches they can make money from. You see there is no way I will cover all of them by myself. So why not make extra money giving away some of those valuable unique niches to clients? Besides I have a contract with my ghostwriter, so there is no way he will get busy with your articles before mine are all done. So everybody wins here.
Key Rule To Remember; Ghostwriting services that understand and use SEO will help anybody make money from unique niche blogs